Any driver that has been arrested and found to have a blood alcohol content above the legal limit of 0.08% is facing charges for driving under the influence. This does not mean that you are too impaired to drive your car, but you are in violation of impairment laws. Additionally, when you have been stopped by police for DUI, you must consent to a BAC test to determine impairment or face legal consequences. What are the legal consequences of DUI and when can you find yourself facing time behind bars?
Understanding Minimum Jail Time in DUI
It is likely that when you are arrested for driving under the influence, you will find yourself spending some time in jail. When police make the initial arrest, they will not let you drive again until they are sure that you are legally under the limit for impairment. You may spend some time in a cell once your BAC has been taken so that you can sober up as you wait for someone to pick you up from the police station.
Besides this, Georgia law will only place you behind bars if you are convicted of DUI. While working with a defense attorney can reduce or eliminate some of the charges that have been leveled against you, you may find yourself being sentenced to one of the state's minimum incarceration periods by the judge on your case.
When a driver is convicted of DUI, Georgia law mandates that they go to jail for a minimum amount of time:
- First conviction: 24 hours
- Second conviction : 3 days
- Third conviction: 15 days
Since DUI is a priorable offense, the more convictions that are on your record, the harsher the sentencing will likely become. In addition to these minimum jail times, drivers can find themselves facing sentencing such as fines and penalties, suspension of their driver's license, and the installation of an ignition interlock device. These punishments do not include community service, participation in an alcohol treatment program, or the loss of professional licenses that can additionally result.
If you have been charged with a DUI in Georgia, you must act quickly to protect your interests. Starting your criminal defense now can prevent you from spending time behind bars and minimize the impact that a DUI arrest can have on your life. For aggressive defense you can trust, call Henrickson & Sereebutra today.