Marietta Criminal Attorney
Case Results
Charge: Rape
Possible Sentence:
Life in Prison
Directed verdict of acquittal after contested motions related to the competency of the alleged victim.
Charge: Felony Family Violence Battery
Possible Sentence:
5 years in prison
Found not guilty after jury trial.
Charge: Manufacturing Marijuana
Possible Sentence:
10 years in prison
Numerous marijuana plants growing on client's front porch with a "grow room" located inside the residence. Client was found not guilty after jury trial.
Charge: Sale of Cocaine
Possible Sentence:
30 years in prison
Undercover narcotics officer testified that client sold cocaine to him during sting operation.
Client found not guilty after jury trial
Charge: Kidnapping and Attempted Rape
Possible Sentence:
20 years in prison
Client identified in court as individual who dragged alleged victim into a roadside ditch.
Client was found not guilty after jury trial
Charge: Rape, False Imprisonment and Aggravated Sodomy
Possible Sentence:
Life in Prison
Client identified in court by the alleged victim as the individual that assaulted her. Client found not guilty after jury trial.
Charge: Trafficking in Methamphetamine
Possible Sentence:
30 years in prison
Charges were dismissed after successful Motion to Suppress challenging the search of client's person and property.
Charge: Driving Under the Influence
Possible Sentence:
12 months in jail and loss of driver's license
Charges dismissed after successful Motion to Suppress challenging the stop of client's vehicle.
Charge: Driving Under the Influence
Possible Sentence:
12 months in jail and loss of driver's license
Client refused all testing after arrest for DUI. Drug recognition expert testified for the State of Georgia that Client was under the influence of narcotics, Client found not guilty after jury trial.
Charge: Driving Under the Influence
Possible Sentence:
12 months in jail and loss of driver's license
Client admitted driving and gave a breath test that was well over twice the legal limit in Georgia, Client was found not guilty after trial
Charge: Family Violence Battery
Possible Sentence:
12 months in jail
Alleged victim testified that she was attacked in her home by her ex-husband, Client found not guilty after jury trial
Charge: Battery
Possible Sentence:
12 months in jail
Alleged victim and client's family member testified against client in court Client found not guilty after jury trial
Charge: 4 Counts of Child Molestation, 2 Counts of Sexual Battery on a Child
Possible Sentence:
90 Years in prison
Alleged victim and client's family member testified at trial that she was molested by client.
Client found not guilty on all counts after jury trial
Charge: Armed Robbery, Aggravated Assault
Possible Sentence:
Life in prison
Despite witnesses testifying that client committed a robbery a gun point, client found not guilty after trial
Charge: Driving Under the Influence
Possible Sentence:
12 months in jail and loss of driver's license
Although client admitted drinking, admitted driving in violation of a limited permit, and provided a breath test well over the legal limit, the charges were dismissed after successfully challenging the legality of police conduct
Charge: Felony Obstruction, Interference with Government Property, Driving on the wrong side of the roadway
Possible Sentence:
11 years in custody
Despite allegations by the police that client fought with them, and that their police cruiser was damaged, charges were dismissed after winning a motion to suppress
Charge: Distribution of schedule III and IV drugs to an undercover police officer
Possible Sentence:
20 years in prison
Client was the subject of an undercover sting. Through aggressive plea negotiations, client pled to misdemeanor marijuana avoiding jail time, and a suspended license. Client served less than 12 months on probation, and no adjudication of guilt was entered. Consequently, the plea did not result in a criminal conviction.
Charge: Burglary, Criminal Damage to Property in Juvenile Court
Possible Sentence:
Up to 5 years in Confinement
Client was found not guilty after a trial
Charge: Probation Violation based upon a new arrest for Manufacturing Marijuana
Possible Sentence:
Balance of Probation to be served in custody
After a contested hearing, the Court found in favor of the client and refused to revoke client's probation
Charge: Rape
Possible Sentence:
Life in Prison
Client was identified as a suspect in a rape, prior to an arrest warrant being served, a proactive approach was taken to prove the victim's allegations false, Witnesses were identified, and interviewed at length, The Detective investigating the case was then persuaded not to take an arrest warrant for the client