Marietta Assault Attorney
Are You Facing a Criminal Charge for Assault?
Contrary to what many people believe, you can be charged with a crime of assault without actually hurting or striking a person. According to Georgia Code §16-5-20, assault is a crime of attempting to cause violent injury or taking actions that cause another person to fear suffering a violent injury. If a deadly weapon or intent to commit a violent crime is involved, the charge could even be raised to aggravated assault.
The Marietta assault lawyers at Henrickson & Sereebutra know the ins and outs of criminal law in Georgia. Their years of experience as former prosecutors gives their clients a vital advantage in court.If you are facing a charge of assault, you are at risk of a serious conviction that could affect you for the rest of your life.
Contact the firm today and start protecting your rights and your future against the damaging effects of a criminal conviction!
The Penalties for Assault in Georgia
A misdemeanor simple assault conviction is punishable by the following:
- County jail sentence of up to 1 year
- Monetary fines of up to $1,000
- Probation of up to 1 year
- Expense reimbursement to victim (restitution)
Depending on the situation, assault may be considered a misdemeanor or a felony. Individuals who have been accused of assault should get informed about the full extent of the charges, because the difference between a misdemeanor and a felony is several thousand dollars in fines, years in jail, and harsh consequences for your criminal record.
A felony aggravated assault conviction results in increased penalties, such as:
- Prison sentence of up to 20 years
- Monetary fines of up to $5,000
Get Started With Henrickson & Sereebutra Today
Put 40+ Years Of Experience In Your Corner
A Former Prosecutor Defending You
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