Marietta DUI & Drugs Lawyer
Driving Under the Influence of Drugs & Narcotics
Have you been arrested for driving under the influence of drugs? DUI is not limited to drinking and driving, but also includes cases of drugged driving, whether it involves illegal street drugs such as marijuana or cocaine or prescription medications. The use of any type of drug or medication which impairs or interferes with the driver's ability to safely operate the vehicle may potentially lead to an arrest and conviction, with harsh penalties for the offender.
Drugged Driving Field Sobriety Tests
The police officer who suspects that a driver may be under the influence of drugs or medication may request the individual to undergo the three standardized field sobriety tests, including the horizontal-gaze nystagmus, the one-leg stand, and the walk-and-turn. If any of these tests make it appear that the driver's perceptions, coordination, and motor skills are impaired, the suspect may be arrested.
Remember that you have the right to refuse field sobriety tests. Refusing these kinds of tests comes with no legal consequence, but the officer may still be able to arrest you on suspicion of driving under the influence of drugs or other substances. At the same time, a skilled DUI lawyer may use this to strengthen your defense—your refusal is not itself evidence of any criminal offense!
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