First Time DUI Attorney in Marietta
Minimizing the Damage of Your DUI Arrest
If you have been arrested for driving under the influence for the first time, you may not understand why you were arrested. You may also not understand the full consequences of the charges against you. The Marietta DUI lawyers at Henrickson & Sereebutra have handled thousands of criminal cases and helped clients confront DUI charges of all kinds.
Contact the firm immediately and minimize the damage of a DUI conviction!
Preventing Automatic License Suspension
Did you refuse to submit to a breath test during the arrest? According to the law of implied consent, drivers who refuse a chemical blood alcohol concentration (BAC) test may have their license automatically suspended by the police officer. Your driver's license could also be suspended immediately after being arrested, or as part of a DUI conviction punishment. In any case, if your license was suspended, you need to take action immediately!
You only have ten days after your license was suspended to request an appeal hearing with the Georgia Department of Driver Services. If you do not request it in time, your license will be suspended for the full duration—6 months to more than 1 year.
Get Started With Henrickson & Sereebutra Today
Put 40+ Years Of Experience In Your Corner
A Former Prosecutor Defending You
Your Satisfaction Is The Firm's #1 Priority