Hit and Run DUI Lawyer in Marietta
Choose a Skilled Criminal Attorney to Handle Your DUI Case
In a crisis situation like an automobile accident, a person may not always think logically. Often panic takes over and a driver may give in to his or her instinct to flee the scene. Unfortunately, this choice can lead to severe consequences if that driver is later caught and criminally charged, especially if alcohol consumption is alleged to have been involved.
If you or someone you love has been charged with a hit and run DUI, it is essential to contact a Marietta criminal defense lawyer right away. With nearly 30 years combined experience, the legal team at Henrickson & Sereebutra will aggressively pursue a positive outcome in your case.
The Potential Consequences of a DUI Hit & Run Charge
In the state of Georgia, a person who causes a car accident resulting in property damage must stay at the scene and exchange contact information and insurance details with the others involved. If significant damage or injury occurred, the police and emergency services must be notified.
Failure to do so is a "hit and run" that carries significant penalties if the accused driver is convicted. If that driver was also found to be under the influence of alcohol at the time of the accident, the penalties could be doubled. These include community service, alcohol risk reduction education, fines, probation, license suspension, prison time, or a combination of these penalties.
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