Driver's License Suspension in Georgia
Marietta DUI Lawyer Protecting Your Driving Privileges
A DUI conviction will limit your freedoms in a number of ways, including your ability to drive. Even a first-time conviction can result in your driving privileges being suspended for one year. Fortunately, license suspension is not a foregone conclusion after an arrest for DUI.
If you have been charged with driving under the influence, the Marietta DUI defense lawyers at Henrickson & Sereebutra can help you keep your license. They have more than 40 years of combined legal experience in a wide range of criminal cases. In addition, the attorneys are certified by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration for completing a course for DUI detection and administration of the standardized field sobriety tests. When it comes to DUI charges, they can offer the legal guidance you need.
Fight Your Charges from the Start
The fight to keep your license begins the moment of your arrest. After being charged with DUI, you have 10 days to schedule an administrative hearing with the DDS, where the facts of your case will be reviewed to determine if you can keep your license. If you do not successfully argue your case, you will have your license suspended. Your license will be automatically suspended if you refused to take a chemical test, or if you did not schedule a hearing.
A first DUI charge can result in one year of suspended driving privileges. Subsequent suspensions will be three or more years in duration.
Additionally, the duration of your suspension may be extended for any of the following:
- Your recorded BAC (blood alcohol content)
- Underage DUI
- Refusal to take a chemical test
Fortunately, you do not have to face an administrative hearing alone. An experienced criminal attorney can accompany you to the DDS and provide the representation needed to ensure that you keep your license. While a successful administrative hearing will not affect your court hearing, it will bring you that much closer to maintaining your freedom on the road and will give your criminal defense lawyer the opportunity to develop a strong defense for your case.
Contact Henrickson & Sereebutra
If you have been charged with DUI, do not delay in seeking a Marietta DUI attorney to plead your case. The seasoned legal team at Henrickson & Sereebutra can begin work immediately to help you fight your charges. The firm's number one priority is defending the rights and freedoms of their clients, and they can help you keep these values a reality.
Contact the firm or fill out a free case evaluation form to discuss your case with a knowledgeable attorney.
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