Common Types of Sex Crimes & Penalties
You Have Rights. Our Marietta Criminal Defense Attorney Can Protect Them!
In Georgia, sex offenses are not treated leniently. Persons who have been charged with sex crimes not only have to worry about sex offender registration that could greatly impact their future, they also have to protect against prison time, fines, probation and other court mandated penalties. While there are varying degrees of sex crimes, they can all greatly impact the life of the accused without proper defense representation.
The Penalties of Sex Crime Convictions
Certain offenses that are more frequently identified in Georgia, include:
- Indecent exposure
- Prostitution
- Pandering
- Sexual batter
- Rape
- Child molestation
- Possessing or selling child pornography
The associate penalties depend entirely on the type of offense, if the accused has had previous run-ins with the law, and the age of other parties involved. For example, prostitutes could face up to one year in jail and up to $1,000 in fines. Someone who is a customer of a prostitute could also be dealt the same hand and charged with a misdemeanor. If a person is dealt charges for rape, they may be sentenced with anywhere from 10 years to a lifetime in prison. In some cases, the death penalty may even be considered.
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